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Member Information

Please enter first name.
Please enter last name.
Please enter street address.
Please enter city.
Please enter region.
Promo Code is invalid. Promo Code is expired. You have not applied the promo code yet.

Login Information

Please enter a valid email address. The email address you entered is already in use with another account and cannot be used to register a new account.
Please enter a valid Mobile Phone Number. The mobile phone number you entered is already in use with another account and cannot be used to register a new account.

Captcha Verification

Verify Your Phone Number

The OTP number is invalid, please try again. The OTP number is expired, please get the new OTP number.


The password must contain at least:
  • one(1) uppercase letter
  • one(1) lowercase letter
  • one(1) number
  • one(1) special character !"#$%&''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~
  • and have a minimum of 8 characters in length.
Please enter a valid password.
The password and confirmation password do not match.

Set Pin

The PIN must have a 4 number characters. Please enter a valid PIN.
Confirm PIN does not match PIN.
Package Price FREE
  • Connect with members of your HYT Super App (Chat, call, send voice messages, create groups and connections, Share)
  • Manage your money: send and receive FREE money to your contacts. You can make automatic donations. Earn money without spending money, just by referring.
  • Receive 0.25% of the value of the recharge your referrals make through cash, debit or credit card, bank transfer, at HYT Merchants and at Allied Correspondents.
  • Receive 1% every time your referrals use the Exchange.
  • Pay contactless: with QR code, NFC, gift cards, points, coupons, local and international currency and Cryptocurrencies.
  • Exchange local currency to USD or cryptocurrencies and vice versa.
  • Access to microcredits, BNPL through our alliances with financial institutions - Coming soon.
  • Access the marketplace where you can shop with special offers and discounts on HYT food and your favorite items.

Welcome to HYT!

We have just emailed you your first official message from HYT. Please check your email inbox for our message and help us make sure it went to the right person. Please verify your email address by clicking the link contained in the email message.